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There are generally two types of users of the Reassigned Numbers Database (RND)— those that query data in the RND (Callers) and those that submit data into the RND (Service Providers).  Callers and Service Providers may appoint RND Registered Agents to act on their behalf under separate contracts with those agents. 

The RND is providing a non-exhaustive list of Agents that may assist you in submitting permanently disconnected telephone numbers or querying the RND.

The Agent contact information is provided for your information; neither service providers nor callers are required to use an agent, nor does the RNDA endorse any particular agent. 

Caller Agents may query the RND on behalf of their clients to determine whether a telephone number has been permanently disconnected from the consumer their client intends to reach after the date the client obtained consent to call the number, thus allowing their clients to avoid calling consumers with potentially reassigned numbers who may not wish to receive the call.

Service Provider Agents may submit permanently disconnected telephone numbers on behalf of their clients.   The Toll-Free Numbers Administrator will act on behalf of Responsible Organizations to submit disconnect telephone number reports for toll-free numbers.  

If a company wishes to access the database, while still having an Agent, then that company needs to register with the RND first and establish a company ID that will then be used by both the company and its Agent.   

Please reach out to the agents directly to get more information about their service offerings and prices.  


For submitting disconnected Telephone Numbers to the RND Administrator. If you are registered in the RND and would like to be added to this list, please contact

For querying the RND database. If you are registered in the RND and would like to be added to the list, please contact